Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Bikes To Rwanda Benefit: A 4 Day Weekend Event

Hey everyone!
I hope those from Atlanta who read this are safe and recovering from this weekends tornado insanity.
Communities all over the city have really come together to help one another with all that is the rebuilding process, and that is something I personally am really happy about.
For non-Atlantans, I hope you are safe too...and everyone, welcome to spring!!
Here is the new flier for the HUGE weekend we got goin' on April 11th-14th @ Octane Coffee:

I still WANT your spokecards and NEED your bike wheels!
Please submit your spoke cards to Octane as soon as you can!!

March 29th is the deadline. Show will run April 1st-12th.

Drop you cards off at Octane Coffee, or mail them to:

Octane Coffee
c/o Alyssa

1009b Marietta St. NW

Atlanta, GA 303018

Bring the wheels by the shop anytime, and label them if you want them returned!

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